Contact person: Epifanio Fichera
Etna Biotech is one of the two centres forming the vaccine research centre of Zydus Group, which is part of Cadila Healthcare, the fourth largest pharmaceutical company in India. Dr Fichera, Etna Biotech's project manager, is the coordinator of the STriTuVaD project.
Department of Drug Sciences
Contact person: Francesco Pappalardo
Prof Pappalardo team is developing, using the Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS) that has been in development in Catania for a number of years, the predictive model that will be at the foundation of the augmented in silico trial that will be tested in the STriTuVaD project.
Department of computer Science and School of Math and Statistics
Contact person: Miguel Juarez
Dr Juarez is the Principal Investigator for the University of Sheffield and, in close collaboration with the teams of Prof Viceconti and Prof Pappalardo, he will develop the Bayesian model to be used to combine virtual and physical patients, and the necessary criteria to avoid bias. Dr Richmond works with Prof Pappalardo team to speed up the execution of the UISS framework, so as to enable stochastic explorations using Monte Carlo Methods.
Biomechanics Group, Department of Industrial Engineering
Contact person: Marco Viceconti
Prof Viceconti, in his role of coordinator of the Avicenna action, is one of the leading figures in the emerging in silico trials industrial sector. In the project, in close collaboration with Prof Pappalardo and Prof Juarez, he will design the in silico clinical trial, its validation, and will pursue the qualification process of the resulting in silico method with the European Medicine Agency.
Contact person: Merce Amat
Archivel Farma is a R&D biotech company that develops immunotherapeutic agents to respond to unmet medical needs, notably in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Mercè Amat is the R&D manager of the company, and principal investigator for Archivel in the project. Archivel role is to design and run the clinical trial necessary to validate the in silico clinical trial technology.
Contact person: Marit Holleman
The TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) is a non-profit foundation that facilitates the discovery and development of new, safe and effective TB vaccines that are accessible and affordable for all people. In particular, they will provide support and advice on data from publications on TB vaccines, on TB vaccine clinical development and will ensure coordination and link between relevant TB vaccine R&D initiatives and consortia.
IDRI is a non-profit organization based in Seattle, United States, which conducts global health research on infectious diseases combining the high-quality science of a research organization with the product development capabilities of a biotechnology company to create new diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines. In the project they will contribute to the design and execution of the clinical trial.
Contact person: Dipendra (Salil) Mitra
The All-India Institute of Medical Sciences is a medical college and medical research public university based in New Delhi, India. Its Department of Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics promotes clinical research in multiple areas of immunology with special focus on TB vaccine research and biomarker discovery. In the project, AIIMS will conduct a Phase II clinical trial to assess the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of 2 therapeutic vaccines against drug-sensitive and multi-drug resistant TB for validation of in silico clinical trial.