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Strituvad at JRC online workshop “Mathematical Model Translatability – from Pharma to Chemical"

The virtual workshop, hosted by the Ispra Joint Research Center on 2 July 2020, aimed to explore how mathematical models that are considered valid for one purpose or application, can also be applied in a different context of use. In particular, models that are valid or qualified for use in the pharma domain but also have the potential to be applied for chemical risk assessment purposes.

Strituvad project manager Dott. Epifanio Fichera presented the project and its achievements towards the fight against tuberculosis, while principal investigator Prof Francesco Pappalardo from the University of Catania introduced the Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS), which was developed to simulate clinical trials for tuberculosis vaccine development, and more recently repurposed for Covid-19 therapies.

Other invited speakers where Flora Musuamba Tshinanu, who explained EMA process for model qualification, and Clemens Wittwehr, Andrew Worth, Alicia Paini who introduced JRC CIAO project.

As the science and knowledge service of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.

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